The Warm Heart of Africa
from the people of Malawi
Why we are here —> Our path to Humanitarian Medical
The precious women shown in the picture above have become our inspiration. Several on the team met these women while on mission in Malawi, Africa during which they conducted training sessions in reproductive health. The aim was to help young women deal with the challenges of menstruation so that their biologic maturation does not end their formal education. During this short trip, the team learned first-hand the many challenges these women face living in rural Sub-Saharan Africa. This learning triggered the idea to establish Humanitarian Medical Device. The initiative is being built to help these and others living in poverty who suffer medical conditions.
Suffering from Bladder or Bowel related fistulas
Two excellent documentaries tell stories of women who have suffered from various forms of vaginal fistulas. This type of injury is our first focus. We are working with partners to help them prevent, treat, and in some cases cure this debilitating, potentially life-threatening condition.
See video link below.